Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Book Review: Strength to Let Go (Tales of the Werewolf Tribes #1) by Alina Popescu

Shiki Kirishima thought he had the perfect life: two great mates, children and power within his werewolf tribe. He's blindsided when his mates abandon him with no explanation, leaving the werewolf broken and rejected. Unable to deal with the pain of losing his mates, Shiki goes on a suicide mission, all the while his childhood best friend, Blake, worries frantically for person he holds dearest in his life.

I loved this book! Shifter tales aren't always the sub genre I immediately go for, but this book pulled me in right from the start. The pain Shiki felt after losing the men he loved with all his heart was palpable. Alina Popescu did a great job conveying how serious rejection is in the werewolf world and my heart broke for Shiki.

The easy rapport between Shiki and Blake was probably my favorite part of this book. They were both broken and had plenty of issues, but they always supported and loved one another, and I thought that was beautiful.

The only thing that I bothered me a little was the fact that the reader, along with Shiki, never did find out why his mates left him. I waited with bated breath for an explanation that never came. Overall, Strength to Let Go was an absolute joy and I can't wait to read the other books in the series. Highly recommended!

4.5 stars

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Buy Links

Wayward Ink Press | Amazon

~ M

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